15 Ways Smoking Ruins Your Looks

Smoking impacts appearance

If you smoke, you already know you need to quit. It’s bad for your heart, lungs, brain, and even your sex life.

But let’s face it: You’d have kicked the habit yesterday if smoking’s ill effects were a bit more obvious. What if each cigarette created a black pockmark on your face, for instance?. Well, smoking does damage your looks. Read on to discover 15 ways smoking is ruining your appearance. 

What Are The 12 Kinds Of Omega-3's

I know that omega-3s aren’t going to be the perfect solution for everyone out there. You know this, too. Like me, you probably just want to do the best you can. You want to eat less of the junk food that’s bad for you, and more of the ‘super foods’ that are actually good for you. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as going down the ‘super food’ aisle in your local grocery store though. This is especially true when it comes to omega-3s. So, when people ask me what kind of omega-3 to take, I always tell them the same thing – there’s only one way to be sure.
In researching omega-3 fatty acids, I’ve discovered that there’s always more than meets the eyes. I wish it were as simple as reaching for the perfect bottle of omega-3s or even just eating a lot of fish; but it simply isn’t. Below, I’ve listed 12 sources of omega-3.
Read about them. They’re not all the same – and some can actually do more harm than good.

Fish Oil For Kids

We’ve seen the studies and read the headlines telling us that fish oil is good for our overall health.
We know that the omega-3s in fish oil help reduce inflammation, the number one cause of most preventable conditions.
And we definitely understand the importance of only taking high-quality supplements to avoid harmful toxins and pollutions, either found in naturally in the fat deposits of “feeder” fish or in untested fish oils.

So…how does what we know about fish oil apply to children?