How To Overcome Asthma With Mint Leaves

If you are an asthma sufferer, then you must know that asthma attacks are suddenly feels very annoying. Especially if it comes at the wrong time.

Asthma itself is a disease in which the airways become inflamed, infected, and produce more mucus. In addition to making it difficult to breathe, asthma sufferers experience will make constant cough, fatigue, chest pain, and respiratory infections.

When an asthma attack comes, you typically use a drug that works by spraying. But a new study reveals that there are natural ingredients that you can use to treat asthma is mint.

To make this potion you need 5-6 mint leaves and mustard oil.

"Heat the mustard oil and then mixed with crushed mint leaves. Then massage above chest tightness. Do it every 10 minutes until the mixture exhausted," said the study.

"The combination of mint and mustard oil will give the effect of decongestants are helpful to reduce the accumulation of mucus in the chest, when the accumulated mucus is reduced, the throat becomes more spacious, and the breathing process will run so much more smoothly."