Women Need 3 Minutes Decide Options

 DO NOT linger store for her impression. Give your best impression from the start to meet him. The reason is, women only need 3 minutes to decide if he dated a man who matched or not with him.
If you do not want to lose the opportunity, you should immediately spread the charm of the woman during the first 3 minutes of the meeting took place. Make the best time to show your best performance. That is if you do not want to lose the opportunity to go to the next date.
A new study suggests that women only take 3 minutes just to decide whether she likes men in front of it or not. The results showed that women usually make a physical appearance, style of dress, body scent, accent, and fluency in their communication as a consideration to decide. Flexibility men interact with their peers even be a consideration whether he deserves to be a partner or not, as written the Times of India.
According to the study, the duration during the first 180 seconds is enough time to decide whether he is Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong. The study also found that women often change their mind about him after seeing their initial reaction. And this is a reference them in providing an assessment. This report was distributed to 3,000 adults was written in the book Ben Kay, "Instinct".
"I think a lot of people who trusted his instincts as a guide when dating. It really sounds wonderful especially Questioning how quickly she made the decision. This is almost never enough time to finish the drink along with him," Kay said, as quoted by the Daily Mail.
"It's interesting that women are so confident with their instincts, and give them the opportunity to change his mind. Some people might think this is an opportunity to change their minds, but I imagine that she just wanted to give justice to the man who declared love to him," says Kay .
So, make your first impression is so seductive in her eyes.

(Source :OkeZone.com )